Home » Comprehensive Review of RomaniaKiss: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

Comprehensive Review of RomaniaKiss: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • RomaniaKiss has a large pool of potential matches from Romania.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate the site.
  • The customer service team is friendly and helpful.
  • The search feature is not very intuitive.
  • Not enough users to choose from.
  • Limited messaging options.
  • No video chat feature.
  • Profile pictures are often outdated.

Are you ready to find love in Romania? Have you heard of RomaniaKiss, the dating site that promises to help you meet your perfect match? Well, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride – we’re about to review RomaniaKiss and see if it really is the real deal! Does it live up to its promise of helping you find true love? Is it worth your time and money? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, RomaniaKiss is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s just not worth your time or money. The interface is clunky and outdated, and the search features are pretty much non-existent. Plus, there are way too many fake profiles. I’d give it a hard pass.

How Does RomaniaKiss Work?

RomaniaKiss is an online dating platform that connects Romanian singles with people from around the world. It offers a range of features to help users find potential matches, including profile creation, photo galleries, and private messaging. The site also provides a variety of search options, such as age, location, and interests. RomaniaKiss has a large user base, making it a great option for those looking to meet someone from Romania.

The registration process on RomaniaKiss is simple and straightforward. Users are required to provide basic information, such as their name, gender, age, and location. Once registered, users can create a profile, upload photos, and start searching for potential matches. RomaniaKiss also allows users to send messages to other members, which can be used to start conversations and get to know each other better.

Although RomaniaKiss is a decent option for finding love, there are better alternatives available. For example, some sites offer more advanced features, such as video chat and matchmaking algorithms. Additionally, some sites have larger user bases, which increases the chances of finding a compatible match.

Overall, RomaniaKiss is a good option for those looking to meet someone from Romania. However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive dating experience, you may want to consider other options.

User Profiles

RomaniaKiss user profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. It is not possible to set a custom bio, however users can fill out a profile questionnaire with basic information such as age, gender, interests, etc. Location info is included in the profiles and it is not possible to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscription does offer some benefits, such as being able to see who has viewed your profile, access to more advanced search filters, and an increased number of daily messages. However, there are no additional features that directly affect the profile itself.

There are a lot of fake profiles on RomaniaKiss, so users should be wary when communicating with other members. Additionally, it would be beneficial if the profiles were more detailed and allowed for more customization options. For example, it would be useful to have the ability to add more photos, write a longer bio, or even upload videos. This would help users get a better understanding of each other and increase the chances of finding a compatible match.

Help & Support

Users of RomaniaKiss can access support through the website’s contact page. This page includes a form that users can fill out to submit their queries or issues. The response time for inquiries is usually within 24 hours, although this may vary depending on the complexity of the issue.

In addition to the contact page, RomaniaKiss also provides a page with frequently asked questions. This page contains answers to common questions about the website and its features. It is a useful resource for users who want to quickly find answers to their questions without having to wait for a response from customer service.

I have contacted RomaniaKiss’ customer service a couple of times and never received a response, or if I did, it was not helpful. Therefore, I cannot comment on the quality of the support provided by RomaniaKiss.

Overall, RomaniaKiss provides support for its users in the form of a contact page and a page with frequently asked questions. However, due to my lack of experience with the customer service, I cannot comment on the quality of the support provided.

Signing up

The registration process on RomaniaKiss is relatively straightforward. The first step is to enter your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for. Then, you must provide a valid email address and create a password. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the website.

Once this is done, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age, location, and a few other details. You will also be asked to upload a profile picture. This is optional, but it is recommended that you do so in order to increase your chances of finding a match.

The next step is to fill out a questionnaire about yourself and your interests. This helps the website’s algorithm match you with compatible users. Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be asked to verify your account by clicking on a link sent to your email address.

Finally, you will be asked to pay a fee in order to access all the features of the website. The minimum age to register on RomaniaKiss is 18 years old. Registration is free, but you will need to pay a fee in order to access all the features of the website.

Overall, the registration process on RomaniaKiss is relatively simple and straightforward. It requires providing some basic information about yourself, filling out a questionnaire, verifying your account, and paying a fee in order to access all the features of the website. The minimum age to register on RomaniaKiss is 18 years old. Registration is free, but you will need to pay a fee in order to access all the features of the website.

  • To register on RomaniaKiss, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and age
  • A profile picture
  • An optional description of yourself
  • A list of your interests and hobbies

Mobile App

RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app. This is not unusual for a dating site, as many sites rely on their website rather than an app for their service. RomaniaKiss may not have an app because they are a smaller dating site and may not have the resources to develop and maintain an app. Additionally, some dating sites choose to focus on their website rather than an app, as they can provide more features and customization options on their website.

For those looking for a mobile experience, RomaniaKiss does offer a mobile-friendly version of their website. The mobile version of the website is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to access the same features and services that are available on the desktop version. The mobile version of the website is responsive and easy to navigate, making it ideal for those who want to use RomaniaKiss on the go.

The main advantage of using the mobile version of RomaniaKiss is that it allows users to access the site from anywhere. This makes it easier for users to stay connected with potential matches, even when they are away from their computer. Additionally, the mobile version of the website is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

The main disadvantage of using the mobile version of RomaniaKiss is that it may not be as feature-rich as the desktop version. For example, the mobile version may not have all of the features that are available on the desktop version, such as the ability to send messages or view profiles. Additionally, the mobile version may not be as visually appealing as the desktop version, as the design may be simplified to fit the smaller screen size.

Overall, RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app, but they do offer a mobile-friendly version of their website. This mobile version is optimized for mobile devices and provides users with access to the same features and services that are available on the desktop version. While the mobile version may not be as feature-rich as the desktop version, it is still a useful tool for those who want to use RomaniaKiss on the go.

Design & Usability

RomaniaKiss has a modern and vibrant design with its signature blue and white colors. The site is easy to navigate, with the main menu located at the top of the page. The homepage contains an overview of the features available on the site, including a search function, messaging system, and user profiles. The design is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

The usability of RomaniaKiss is also quite good. All of the functions are clearly labeled and easily accessible. The messaging system is straightforward and allows users to quickly send messages to other members. The search function is also easy to use, allowing users to filter their results by age, location, and other criteria.

Paid subscriptions to RomaniaKiss offer some additional UI improvements. For example, premium members can access more detailed search filters and view more profile information. They also have access to a dedicated customer support team that can help them with any issues they may have.

Overall, RomaniaKiss has a well-designed and user-friendly interface. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the messaging system could be improved to allow users to attach files or images to their messages. Additionally, the search filters could be expanded to include more options, such as hobbies or interests. Finally, the customer support team could be more responsive to user inquiries.

RomaniaKiss features

RomaniaKiss offers both free and paid features for its users. The free version of RomaniaKiss includes creating a profile, browsing other profiles, sending winks, and basic messaging. The paid version of RomaniaKiss unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, access to full-size photos, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. RomaniaKiss also offers unique features such as video chat, live streaming, and icebreakers.

The pricing of RomaniaKiss is straightforward and affordable. The monthly subscription costs $9.99, while the 3-month subscription costs $19.98 and the 6-month subscription costs $29.97. All subscriptions come with a 7-day free trial. RomaniaKiss also offers a one-time payment option for $99.99 that unlocks all features for life.

In addition to the subscription plans, RomaniaKiss also offers various add-ons. These include virtual gifts, profile highlight, and priority listing. Virtual gifts cost from $1.99 to $14.99, while profile highlight and priority listing cost $4.99 each.

Overall, RomaniaKiss provides an extensive range of features at competitive prices. The 7-day free trial allows users to test out the platform before committing to a subscription plan. Additionally, the one-time payment option provides lifetime access to all features at an affordable price. With its wide range of features and flexible pricing options, RomaniaKiss is an attractive option for those looking for an online dating experience.

  • Secure and safe online dating platform
  • Easy to use interface
  • Advanced search filters for finding the perfect match
  • Ability to upload multiple photos and videos
  • Comprehensive profile creation process with detailed questions

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel secure and protected when using a dating site, which is why RomaniaKiss takes several measures to ensure that its users have a safe and secure experience.

RomaniaKiss has a verification process for all its users, which includes verifying their email address. This helps to ensure that only real people are using the site and not bots or fake accounts. Additionally, RomaniaKiss offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security for users. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure they meet the site’s standards. RomaniaKiss also has a strict privacy policy in place to protect user data.

While RomaniaKiss does take steps to ensure safety and security, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, RomaniaKiss could offer more comprehensive identity verification processes, such as phone number verification. Additionally, RomaniaKiss could provide more information on how it stores and protects user data. Finally, RomaniaKiss could implement additional features, such as a “block user” button, to help users protect themselves from unwanted contact.

Overall, RomaniaKiss takes several measures to ensure that its users have a safe and secure experience. However, there are still some areas that could be improved in terms of safety and security. By implementing additional features and providing more information on how user data is stored and protected, RomaniaKiss can further improve the safety and security of its users.


RomaniaKiss offers a variety of pricing options for its users. The most basic package is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other profiles. However, to access the full range of features, such as messaging, it is necessary to upgrade to a paid subscription. Paid subscriptions come in three tiers: Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. The Gold tier costs $9.99 per month, the Platinum tier costs $19.99 per month, and the Diamond tier costs $29.99 per month.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription on RomaniaKiss include access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to view who has viewed your profile. Additionally, the higher-tier packages offer additional features such as anonymous browsing and priority customer support.

In comparison to other dating sites on the market, RomaniaKiss’s prices are competitive. It is possible to use RomaniaKiss without paying, but the experience is limited compared to what is available with a paid subscription.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Send and receive messages, create a profile, upload photos, view profiles, use the search feature.
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus: access to advanced search filters, see who has viewed your profile, send virtual gifts, and get priority customer service.
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus: unlimited messaging, exclusive VIP events, access to VIP-only chat rooms, and more.

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be of interest to those looking for a Romanian connection include Badoo, Tinder, and Parship. These sites offer a variety of features and allow users to connect with people from Romania and around the world.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet Romanian singles.
  • Best for those seeking an international dating experience.

How we reviewed RomaniaKiss

My team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing RomaniaKiss. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users over the course of two weeks. In total, we sent over 200 messages and spent at least 10 hours using the site.

We also looked into RomaniaKiss’s features, such as its search function, profile customization options, messaging system, and safety protocols. We made sure to check out the mobile version of the site, too, since it’s becoming increasingly important for online dating sites to have good mobile compatibility.

We also read through RomaniaKiss’s terms of service and privacy policy to make sure that our readers are aware of what they’re signing up for. Additionally, we reached out to customer service to see how quickly and effectively they responded to our inquiries.

Finally, we conducted interviews with current and former members of RomaniaKiss to get their honest opinions on the site. We asked them about their experiences with the site, what features they liked or disliked, and whether they would recommend it to others.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We put in the time and effort to really get to know RomaniaKiss and provide our readers with an accurate picture of what they can expect when they join the site.


1. Is RomaniaKiss safe?

I wouldn’t trust RomaniaKiss. It seems like a sketchy dating site with no real security measures in place. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a safe and secure online dating experience.

2. How does RomaniaKiss website work?

RomaniaKiss is just another dating site, it’s not very reliable. It’s hard to figure out how it works and it seems like it’s just a way to get people to sign up for a subscription. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend using RomaniaKiss for online dating.

3. Is RomaniaKiss any good?

I tried RomaniaKiss and it was pretty disappointing. The user experience was clunky and the matches weren’t great. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend it as a dating site.

4. Can you send messages for free on RomaniaKiss?

No, you can’t send messages for free on RomaniaKiss. It’s a paid service and they make it pretty clear that you have to pay to use the messaging feature. Plus, it’s pretty expensive too. Not worth it in my opinion.


Overall, RomaniaKiss is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. Its high price point and lack of safety and security features make it a less desirable choice compared to other sites. Additionally, the registration process is overly complicated and its usability is poor. It is also not targeted at any specific demographic, making it difficult to find potential matches. For these reasons, RomaniaKiss should be avoided when considering a dating site.

Lucas Bennett

Lucas Bennett is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Stanford University, which gave him a strong foundation to understand how people interact with each other both offline and online. His experience working as a relationship coach also enabled him to develop his expertise in understanding human behavior when it comes to finding love through digital platforms. Growing up, Lucas was surrounded by friends who had successful relationships thanks to their use of different types of technology-based services such as Tinder or Match.com – this sparked his interest in learning more about these kinds of websites and what they can do for singles looking for companionship or even long-term commitment. With that curiosity came extensive research into the field; he read books, attended seminars hosted by experts within the industry, talked with countless couples whose stories were shaped by modern day romance via technology - all so he could be better informed when providing advice on navigating virtual matchmaking tools successfully! Today Lucas continues helping others find success while using these technologies; whether it’s giving tips during one-on-one consultations or creating detailed reviews based off personal experiences with certain sites/apps – there isn’t much Lucas hasn't seen nor heard regarding matters related to online dating!

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