Home » BlackGentry: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

BlackGentry: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

  • BlackGentry offers a great selection of potential matches.
  • The site is easy to navigate and use.
  • The customer service team is very helpful and responsive.
  • Not enough users to find a match quickly
  • Limited search filters
  • Messaging is not free
  • Some profiles appear to be fake
  • No mobile app available

Are you ready to find love online? BlackGentry is the latest dating site on the block, and it’s got everyone talking! From its sleek design to its unique features, this site promises to make your online dating experience one of a kind. But does it live up to the hype? Read on to find out what we thought of BlackGentry – from the good to the bad and everything in between!


Ugh, BlackGentry is a total dud. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – you might eventually find something, but it’s not worth the effort. The matches are so off-base that it’s like they don’t even know what I’m looking for. Plus, the interface is clunky and slow, so it’s a real drag to use. All in all, it’s just not worth your time or money.

How Does BlackGentry Work?

BlackGentry is an online dating platform that caters to people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a relatively new platform, but it has been gaining traction in recent years. The site is free to join and allows users to create a profile, search for potential matches, and communicate with other members. BlackGentry also offers additional features such as matchmaking services, private messaging, and virtual dates.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Users can search for potential matches based on their age, location, interests, and other criteria. Once a match is found, users can start communicating through the site’s messaging system. BlackGentry also provides a variety of virtual date options, including video chat, voice calls, and even virtual tours.

Although BlackGentry is a decent option for those looking to find love online, there are better alternatives out there. Some of these include larger, more established sites like Match.com or eHarmony, which offer more features and a wider selection of potential matches. Additionally, some of these sites have additional safety measures in place to protect users from scammers and other malicious actors.

Overall, BlackGentry is a good option for those who are just starting out in the world of online dating. However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive experience, it may be worth considering one of the more established platforms.

BlackGentry features

BlackGentry offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, and view other user profiles. Paid members have access to additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. BlackGentry also offers unique features such as an in-depth personality test and compatibility score.

The pricing structure of BlackGentry is straightforward and affordable. The basic membership is free and includes all the essential features mentioned above. For those looking for more features, there are two paid plans: Gold and Platinum. The Gold plan costs $9.99 per month and provides access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The Platinum plan costs $19.99 per month and adds access to the in-depth personality test and compatibility score.

BlackGentry also offers discounts for long-term commitments. If you sign up for a 3-month subscription, you get a 10% discount on the Gold plan and a 20% discount on the Platinum plan. If you sign up for a 6-month subscription, you get a 20% discount on the Gold plan and a 30% discount on the Platinum plan.

In addition, BlackGentry offers a 7-day free trial period for its Platinum plan. This allows users to try out the full range of features without having to commit to a long-term subscription.

Overall, BlackGentry offers an impressive range of features at an affordable price. With both free and paid options available, users can find a plan that fits their needs and budget.

  • Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • Comprehensive profile builder to create an engaging profile
  • Secure messaging system for private conversations
  • Real-time notifications of new matches and messages
  • Anonymous browsing mode for privacy and security

User Profiles

BlackGentry user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. Users can set a custom bio, but they cannot hide their location information. Location info is displayed on each profile, although there is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscription holders receive several benefits, such as being able to access exclusive content, view more profiles, and gain access to premium features. However, these benefits do not apply to user profiles.

There are very few fake profiles on BlackGentry, which makes it easier for users to find genuine connections. The site also offers several security measures to ensure that users remain safe while using the platform.

One area where BlackGentry could improve is in providing more options for customizing user profiles. Currently, users can only add a short bio and upload a profile picture. It would be beneficial if users had the option to add additional photos, videos, or other types of media to their profiles. This would make it easier for users to showcase their personalities and interests.

Overall, BlackGentry provides a secure platform for users to connect with others. The public user profiles allow users to quickly get an idea of who they are talking to, while the security measures help ensure that users remain safe. While there are some areas that could use improvement, such as offering more customization options for user profiles, BlackGentry remains a reliable dating site.

Help & Support

BlackGentry provides users with a variety of support options to ensure they have the best possible experience on the dating site. Users can access the support team via email, telephone, or live chat. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while the response time for telephone and live chat inquiries is typically much faster.

The BlackGentry website also features a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to some of the most common queries about the service, including how to create an account, how to navigate the site, and how to contact customer service.

In addition to the FAQs page, BlackGentry also offers a comprehensive help center. Here, users can find detailed instructions on how to use the site, as well as troubleshooting tips and advice. There are also helpful videos that demonstrate how to perform certain tasks.

Unfortunately, there have been reports of slow response times from the BlackGentry support team. In some cases, users have reported that they never received a response after contacting customer service. Others have complained that the responses they did receive were not helpful.

Overall, BlackGentry provides a range of support options to ensure users have the best possible experience on the dating site. However, it is important to note that the response times may vary, and that some users have had difficulty getting satisfactory responses from the customer service team.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, as users must trust the platform to protect their personal information and keep them safe from potential threats. BlackGentry takes this responsibility seriously, offering several measures to ensure its users’ safety.

BlackGentry has a verification process for all users, requiring them to provide valid identification documents before they can join the platform. This helps to prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the site. Furthermore, BlackGentry offers a two-step verification option, allowing users to further secure their accounts with an additional layer of protection. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by the platform’s moderators to ensure that they comply with the site’s terms and conditions. Additionally, BlackGentry has a comprehensive privacy policy in place, which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

While BlackGentry has implemented a number of safety and security measures, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the platform does not currently offer any type of background check for its users, making it difficult to verify their identity or trustworthiness. Additionally, BlackGentry does not have any mechanisms in place to detect suspicious activity or alert users when their account is accessed from a new device. Finally, the platform does not provide any resources or guidance on online safety, such as tips for avoiding scams or advice on how to protect yourself while using the site.

Overall, BlackGentry has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, but there is still room for improvement. By implementing additional measures, such as background checks and suspicious activity detection, the platform can further protect its users and provide them with a safe and secure environment to find love.

Signing up

The registration process on BlackGentry is relatively straightforward. To begin, users must first provide their basic information such as name, email address, gender, and date of birth. Users must be at least 18 years old to register on the website.

Once this information is provided, users will be asked to create a username and password. It is important that users choose a secure password that is not easily guessed. The website also requires users to agree to its terms and conditions before proceeding.

Next, users are asked to provide additional information about themselves such as their location, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences. This helps the website match users with compatible partners.

Finally, users must upload a profile picture. This is an important step in the registration process since it allows other users to see what you look like. Once all the steps have been completed, users can start using the website.

Overall, the registration process on BlackGentry is simple and free. All users need to do is provide some basic information, create a username and password, and upload a profile picture. Once this is done, they can start using the website and connecting with potential partners.

  • To register on BlackGentry, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

BlackGentry is a dating site with a modern and sleek design. The overall look of the website is dominated by black and white colors, with accents of bright pink and orange. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find what they are looking for. The search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly search for other members.

The usability of BlackGentry is also quite good. All the main features are easily accessible from the home page, and there are no complicated menus or hidden pages. The profile pages are well designed and easy to use, allowing users to quickly add photos and personal information. The messaging system is straightforward and easy to use, allowing users to send messages to other members in just a few clicks.

For those who want to take their experience to the next level, BlackGentry offers a paid subscription which unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters and an improved user interface. The UI improvements make it easier to find matches and communicate with other members.

Overall, BlackGentry’s design and usability are quite good. However, there are some areas where the website could be improved. For example, the profile pages could be made more interactive, with more options for customizing them. Additionally, the messaging system could be improved by adding more features such as read receipts and better filtering options. Finally, the search filters could be expanded to include more options such as age, location, and interests.

Mobile App

BlackGentry does not have a mobile app. This is likely due to the fact that BlackGentry is a relatively new dating site, and has yet to invest in developing a mobile app. Additionally, the website itself is quite comprehensive and provides all of the features one would expect from a dating site, so there may be no need for an app.

That being said, there are several advantages to having a mobile app for a dating site. For example, it allows users to access the site more quickly and easily, as they can simply open the app on their phone rather than having to log into the website. Additionally, a mobile app can provide additional features that are not available on the website, such as push notifications when someone messages you or likes your profile. It also makes it easier for users to stay connected with other members, as they can use the app to check messages and view profiles while on the go.

However, there are also some drawbacks to having a mobile app. For example, it can be expensive to develop and maintain an app, and if the app is not well-designed or user-friendly, it could put off potential users. Additionally, users who do not have smartphones or prefer to use the website instead of the app may be frustrated by the lack of options.

In conclusion, BlackGentry does not currently have a mobile app. However, this may change in the future as the site grows and develops. In the meantime, users can still access the website on their phones, although the experience may not be as smooth or feature-rich as it would be with a dedicated mobile app.


BlackGentry offers a range of pricing options for its users. The most basic subscription is free, and provides access to limited features such as creating a profile, browsing other profiles, and sending messages. For those looking for more features, BlackGentry also offers two paid subscriptions: Premium and Elite. The Premium subscription costs $19.99 per month and includes additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and access to exclusive events. The Elite subscription costs $29.99 per month and provides even more features such as priority customer service, verified profiles, and profile boosting.

The prices for BlackGentry’s paid subscriptions are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. With the free subscription, users can still get a feel for the site and see if it’s right for them before committing to a paid subscription. Those who choose to upgrade will gain access to a wide range of features that can help make their online dating experience more enjoyable and successful.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile views, and matches
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile views, and matches; access to exclusive events; priority customer service
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile views, and matches; access to exclusive events; priority customer service; VIP profile boost

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be of interest include eHarmony, Match.com, and OkCupid. These sites offer a variety of features and services that may appeal to different users.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are open to interracial dating.
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests and values.

How we reviewed BlackGentry

To review BlackGentry, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users over the course of two weeks. In total, we sent over 200 messages and spent several hours on the site each day. We also looked into the features offered by BlackGentry, such as the ability to search for matches based on criteria like age, location, and interests. Additionally, we checked out the safety measures in place, including profile verification and the ability to block or report suspicious activity.

We also tested the customer service, reaching out with questions about our experience and making sure that our inquiries were answered promptly and accurately. We even contacted some of the users we interacted with to get their feedback on the site. Finally, we read through the terms and conditions to make sure that all of the information was accurate and up-to-date.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We took the time to thoroughly explore the features of BlackGentry and make sure that it was a safe and secure platform for online dating. We also made sure to contact real users to get their honest opinions on the site. Our dedication to providing an unbiased and thorough review is what makes us the go-to source for online dating reviews.


1. Is BlackGentry worth it?

BlackGentry is definitely not worth it. The matches are terrible and the site is filled with scammers. It’s not worth your time or money.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on BlackGentry?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on BlackGentry. It feels like they’re taking forever to review it, and it’s really frustrating. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for a quick approval process.

3. Is BlackGentry real?

Yes, BlackGentry is real – but it’s definitely not the kind of dating site I’d recommend. It’s full of fake profiles and doesn’t have any real people looking for relationships. Avoid it at all costs!

4. Can you send messages for free on BlackGentry?

No, you can’t send messages for free on BlackGentry. It’s a paid service and you have to pay to be able to send messages. Not worth it in my opinion.


Overall, BlackGentry is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The registration process is long and tedious, the pricing is expensive, and the usability of the app is lacking. Additionally, the safety and security of users is questionable due to the lack of verification procedures. While the site does target a specific demographic, it fails to deliver an experience that is satisfactory for most users. For these reasons, it is best to look elsewhere when considering a dating site.

Lucas Bennett

Lucas Bennett is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Stanford University, which gave him a strong foundation to understand how people interact with each other both offline and online. His experience working as a relationship coach also enabled him to develop his expertise in understanding human behavior when it comes to finding love through digital platforms. Growing up, Lucas was surrounded by friends who had successful relationships thanks to their use of different types of technology-based services such as Tinder or Match.com – this sparked his interest in learning more about these kinds of websites and what they can do for singles looking for companionship or even long-term commitment. With that curiosity came extensive research into the field; he read books, attended seminars hosted by experts within the industry, talked with countless couples whose stories were shaped by modern day romance via technology - all so he could be better informed when providing advice on navigating virtual matchmaking tools successfully! Today Lucas continues helping others find success while using these technologies; whether it’s giving tips during one-on-one consultations or creating detailed reviews based off personal experiences with certain sites/apps – there isn’t much Lucas hasn't seen nor heard regarding matters related to online dating!

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