Home » 2023 Biker Match Review: Comprehensive Guide & Pros/Cons

2023 Biker Match Review: Comprehensive Guide & Pros/Cons

  • Biker Match makes it easy to find a compatible partner who shares your love of motorcycles.
  • The site is secure and user-friendly, making it a great option for those new to online dating.
  • Biker Match offers an active community with plenty of resources to help you find the perfect match.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find a match.
  • Not enough users in certain areas.
  • Some profiles lack details or are outdated.
  • Site design is not very user-friendly.
  • No way to filter out inactive users.

Are you a single biker looking for love? Well, buckle up because we’re about to take you on a wild ride with Biker Match! This dating site is designed specifically for motorcycle enthusiasts who are ready to rev up their love life. But does it deliver? We’ll get into the nitty-gritty details in this review, so hold onto your handlebars and let’s go!


Yikes! Biker Match is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. It’s like they took all the worst parts of online dating and rolled them into one site. The interface is clunky, the matches are few and far between, and you can forget about customer service. All in all, it’s not worth your time or money. Save yourself the headache and find another dating site.

How Does Biker Match Work?

Biker Match is an online dating site designed specifically for bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts. It is a great platform to meet like-minded people, find potential dates, and even make lifelong friends. The website offers a variety of features such as profile creation, searching for other members, sending messages, viewing photos, and more. Biker Match also has an active forum where users can post questions, share stories, and discuss topics related to motorcycles and the biker lifestyle.

The registration process on Biker Match is straightforward and simple. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and create a username and password. Once you’ve completed the registration process, you can start browsing through other members’ profiles and send messages to those who interest you. You can also use the search feature to narrow down your search results and find potential matches.

Although Biker Match is a great way to meet other bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts, there are better alternatives available. For example, some dating sites offer more features such as advanced search filters, compatibility tests, and chat rooms. Additionally, some sites are more secure and have better privacy policies in place. So, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive dating experience, it may be worth considering one of these alternatives.

Overall, Biker Match is a great platform for bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts to connect with each other. It provides a safe and secure environment to meet potential dates and make new friends. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features, Biker Match is a great choice for anyone looking to find someone special.

Signing up

Registering on the Biker Match website is a straightforward process. The minimum age to register is 18 years old, and the service is free.

To begin the registration process, users must first enter their email address. After entering their email address, they will be sent an activation link to complete the registration. Once the activation link is clicked, users will be taken to a page where they can create their profile.

On the profile creation page, users will be asked to provide basic information such as their gender, date of birth, location, and a username. They will also be asked to provide a brief description of themselves and what they are looking for in a potential partner. Users can also upload a profile picture if they wish.

Once the profile has been created, users will be asked to confirm their email address. This is done by clicking a link that is sent to the email address they provided during registration.

The next step is to fill out the “About Me” section of the profile. This section includes questions about lifestyle, interests, hobbies, and other personal information. This helps potential matches get to know the user better.

Finally, users will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This is important to ensure that all users are aware of the rules and regulations of the site.

Once all of these steps have been completed, users will be able to start using the Biker Match website. They can browse through profiles, send messages, and set up dates with potential matches.

Overall, registering on the Biker Match website is a simple process that takes just a few minutes to complete. All users must be at least 18 years old, and the service is free. With a few clicks, users can create a profile and start meeting potential matches.

  • To register on Biker Match, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Mobile App

Biker Match does not have a mobile app. This is not uncommon for dating sites, as many choose to focus on their web platform rather than developing an app. This may be because it can be difficult and expensive to develop an app that works across multiple devices and operating systems. Additionally, apps need to be updated regularly, which can be time-consuming and costly.

The Biker Match website is optimized for mobile devices, so users can access the site from their phones or tablets. The mobile version of the site has all the same features as the desktop version, including the ability to search for matches, send messages, and view profiles. It also includes some additional features such as push notifications, which alert users when they receive a message or someone views their profile.

The mobile version of Biker Match is free to use and doesn’t require any downloads. It is a native app, meaning it was specifically designed for mobile devices and runs directly in the browser. This makes it easy to use and ensures that the site runs smoothly on all devices.

Overall, Biker Match does not have a mobile app, but the mobile version of the site provides a good user experience. It has all the same features as the desktop version and some additional features, making it easy to stay connected with potential matches while on the go.

Help & Support

Biker Match is a dating site that caters to bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts. The site provides users with the ability to connect with like-minded individuals, find events, and more. In order to ensure that users have the best experience possible, Biker Match offers support for any issues or questions that may arise.

Users can access support from Biker Match in several ways. The first is through their website, where they can submit a ticket with their query. This ticket will be sent directly to the customer service team, who will then respond as soon as possible. The response time varies depending on the complexity of the issue, but most queries are answered within 24 hours.

In addition to submitting tickets, users can also access the Biker Match FAQ page. This page contains answers to many of the most common questions related to the site, such as how to create an account, how to change your profile information, and more. The FAQ page is updated regularly, so it’s worth checking back periodically to see if there are new answers to any questions you may have.

Finally, users can contact the Biker Match customer service team directly via email. This is usually the quickest way to get a response, as emails are typically answered within one business day. However, some users have reported that they have contacted the customer service team multiple times without receiving a response or helpful advice.

Overall, Biker Match provides a range of support options for its users. From submitting tickets to accessing the FAQ page, users can find the help they need quickly and easily. While the response time can vary, most queries are answered within 24 hours. Additionally, users can contact the customer service team directly via email, though some users have reported that this method is not always reliable.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and Biker Match is no exception. As a dedicated biker dating site, Biker Match takes its users’ safety seriously and offers a range of features to help protect them from harm.

Biker Match has a number of verification options for users, including email verification and phone verification. This helps to ensure that all accounts are genuine and not created by bots or fake accounts. Additionally, Biker Match also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to the account.

All photos uploaded to Biker Match are manually reviewed to ensure they meet the site’s standards. This helps to reduce the chances of inappropriate content being posted on the site. Biker Match also has a comprehensive privacy policy in place, which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where Biker Match could improve its safety and security. For example, the site could implement a more robust system for verifying user identities, such as facial recognition technology. Additionally, Biker Match could offer more detailed advice and guidance on staying safe while using the site. Finally, Biker Match could introduce more stringent measures to prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the site.

Overall, Biker Match takes safety and security seriously and offers a range of features to help protect its users. However, there are still some areas where the site could improve its safety and security measures.

Biker Match features

Biker Match offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free users can create a profile, upload photos, search for other members, and send flirts. Paid members can access additional features such as messaging, video chat, and advanced search filters. Biker Match also offers unique features such as a ‘Biker Events’ section where members can post upcoming events and connect with other bikers in their area.

Pricing for Biker Match is relatively affordable. A one-month subscription costs $19.99, a three-month subscription costs $39.99, and a six-month subscription costs $59.99. Payment can be made via credit card or PayPal. All subscriptions automatically renew unless the user opts out of auto-renewal.

Biker Match also offers a ‘VIP Membership’ which gives users access to additional features such as priority customer support, unlimited messaging, and an ad-free experience. The VIP Membership costs $9.99 per month and can be cancelled at any time.

Overall, Biker Match offers a wide range of features for both free and paid users. The pricing is relatively affordable and there are some unique features that make it stand out from other dating sites.

  • Secure and safe platform for bikers to connect
  • Customizable profile page
  • Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • Real-time messaging system
  • Easy to use interface with intuitive navigation

User Profiles

Biker Match user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. It is possible to set a custom bio, but this feature is only available for premium subscribers. The location info in the profiles is not hidden, so it is easy to see where other users are located. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away someone is from you. Premium subscribers have access to additional features such as being able to view who has visited their profile, having their profile featured in search results, and being able to send unlimited messages. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on Biker Match, so it is important to be cautious when interacting with other users. One thing that needs improvement in the user profiles is the lack of verification options. This makes it difficult to tell if a profile is real or not. Overall, Biker Match provides an easy way to find potential matches, but users should be aware of the potential risks associated with online dating.

Design & Usability

Biker Match has a modern, sleek design with black and red colors dominating the page. The website is easy to navigate, with all the important information clearly visible on the home page. The layout of the site is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

The main feature of Biker Match is its search engine, which allows users to quickly find potential matches based on their preferences. The search results are displayed in an organized manner, allowing users to easily browse through the list of potential matches. Additionally, the site also provides a variety of other features such as forums, chat rooms, and event listings.

The usability of Biker Match is further enhanced by its mobile app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. The app has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to access the site’s features on the go.

For those who want more features, Biker Match offers a paid subscription that unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, profile customization, and private messaging. These features improve the overall user experience, making it easier for users to find the perfect match.

Overall, Biker Match has a well-designed website and mobile app that make it easy for users to find potential matches. However, there are still some areas of improvement that could be made. For example, the search engine could be improved to provide more accurate results, and the mobile app could use some UI improvements. Additionally, the site could benefit from more features such as video chat and group chats.


Biker Match offers a range of pricing options for its users. The most basic membership is free, which gives access to the website and some features such as creating a profile, uploading photos, and sending winks. For those looking for more features, there are three paid subscription plans: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Gold plan costs $14.99 per month, the Silver plan costs $9.99 per month, and the Bronze plan costs $4.99 per month. All of these plans offer access to additional features such as viewing profiles in full, messaging other members, and using advanced search filters.

The prices offered by Biker Match are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. The free membership provides a good way to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription. However, it should be noted that the features available with the free membership are limited compared to those available with a paid subscription.

Overall, Biker Match offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets and needs. The free membership provides a good way to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription, while the paid subscriptions provide access to additional features.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Access to basic features such as creating a profile, searching for matches, and sending messages.
Premium $19.99/month Access to advanced features such as detailed search filters, viewing who has viewed your profile, and unlimited messaging.
VIP $29.99/month Access to exclusive features such as priority customer service, profile verification, and featured profile placement.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Biker Match include BikerKiss.com, BikerOrNot.com, and DateBikerToday.com. These sites offer a variety of features for bikers looking to find love, including detailed profiles, search filters, and messaging capabilities.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking for a serious relationship with someone who shares their passion for biking.
  • Best for people who want to meet other bikers in their area.
  • Best for those who want to explore the world of biking and find like-minded people.

How we reviewed Biker Match

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into Biker Match to provide an in-depth review. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending time sending messages to other users. We sent over 500 messages across a period of 10 days to get a good sense of how the site works. We also tested the features on the site such as search filters, profile creation, and messaging capabilities. We took our time to explore all the features that Biker Match has to offer, making sure we got a comprehensive understanding of the user experience.

We also conducted interviews with users who had been using the site for a while to get their feedback on the site. This gave us valuable insights into what people liked and disliked about Biker Match. We even contacted customer service to test their response time and level of service.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such thorough reviews. We went above and beyond to make sure we had a complete understanding of the site and its features before writing our review.


1. How does Biker Match website work?

Biker Match is a dating site that doesn’t seem to have any real standards. It’s hard to tell how it works, as it appears to be a free-for-all for anyone who wants to join. It’s definitely not the kind of place I’d recommend if you’re looking for a meaningful connection.

2. How can I know that the profiles on Biker Match are real?

I’ve tried Biker Match and it’s hard to tell if the profiles are real or not. I wouldn’t trust any of the profiles on there, as it’s impossible to know who is actually behind them. It’s best to stay away from this site and find a more reliable dating platform.

3. Is Biker Match any good?

Biker Match is definitely not worth it. It’s not the best dating site out there and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Save your time and energy and find something else.

4. How to cancel subscription on Biker Match?

Cancelling your subscription on Biker Match is a hassle. It’s a long and tedious process that involves going through multiple pages of their website to find the right link. And even then, it’s not always easy to figure out how to cancel. Avoid this dating site if you don’t want to deal with the headache of cancelling your subscription.


Overall, Biker Match is not a great option for online dating. While it may be appealing to those who are looking for a specific type of partner, its lack of safety and security features, high pricing, and difficult registration process make it an unappealing choice compared to other dating sites. Additionally, the app’s usability leaves much to be desired, with users reporting difficulty in navigating the website and a lack of helpful features. For these reasons, Biker Match is not recommended as a viable option for those seeking to find love online.

Lucas Bennett

Lucas Bennett is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Stanford University, which gave him a strong foundation to understand how people interact with each other both offline and online. His experience working as a relationship coach also enabled him to develop his expertise in understanding human behavior when it comes to finding love through digital platforms. Growing up, Lucas was surrounded by friends who had successful relationships thanks to their use of different types of technology-based services such as Tinder or Match.com – this sparked his interest in learning more about these kinds of websites and what they can do for singles looking for companionship or even long-term commitment. With that curiosity came extensive research into the field; he read books, attended seminars hosted by experts within the industry, talked with countless couples whose stories were shaped by modern day romance via technology - all so he could be better informed when providing advice on navigating virtual matchmaking tools successfully! Today Lucas continues helping others find success while using these technologies; whether it’s giving tips during one-on-one consultations or creating detailed reviews based off personal experiences with certain sites/apps – there isn’t much Lucas hasn't seen nor heard regarding matters related to online dating!

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